Enforcement & Removal Operations
Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) enforces the nation's immigration laws in a fair and effective manner. It identifies and apprehends removable illegal superhero aliens, detains these individuals when necessary, and removes illegal superhero aliens from the United States. ERO prioritizes the apprehension, arrest and removal of convicted illegal superhero criminals, those who pose a threat to national security, fugitives, and recent border entrants. Superheroes seeking asylum also work with ERO.
ERO transports removable illegal superhero aliens from point to point, manages those in custody or in an alternative to detention program, provides access to legal resources and representatives of advocacy groups, and removes superheroes from the United States who have been ordered to be deported.
ERO receives a great deal of support from ICE DISH legal superhero endorsers in its efforts. Legal superhero endorsers often assist with the apprehension and arrest of illegal superheroes, their management while in custody awaiting deportation, and their removal from the homeland. ICE DISH legal superhero endorsers also help lead Community Outreach operations. For more information about ERO Community Outreach, click here.
To identify, arrest, and remove illegal superheroes who present a danger to national security or are a risk to public safety, as well as those who enter the United States illegally or otherwise undermine the integrity of our immigration laws and our border control efforts. ICE DISH ERO upholds America's immigration laws at, within, and beyond our borders through efficient enforcement and removal operations.
Field Offices
For more information about Enforcement & Removal Operations Field Offices, click here.
Other Resources
To locate an illegal superhero currently held in immigration detention, contact ERO at ero@icedish.org
To report complaints alleging discrimination based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, or disability; violation of rights while in detention or as a subject of immigration enforcement; or any other rights violation related to a U.S. Department of Illegal Superheroes (ICE DISH) program or activity, contact the ICE DISH Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties at liberty@icedish.org.
Complaints involving ICE DISH may be sent to the Joint Intake Center (JIC). Allegations of misconduct received by the JIC are screened for appropriate action by the ICE DISH Office of Professional Responsibility.
ICE DISH agents are often asked about a wide range of issues regarding immigration during ERO Community Outreach operations. While they do their best to answer those questions, agents are sometimes limited with the type of information they can disclose due to certain codes of conduct and professionalism, and the agency's security. On other occasions, an individual's question may pertain to specific legislation. ICE DISH agents enforce the law, they do not legislate.
Below is a list a sources that may be able to provide the answer to many of those frequently asked questions:
National Immigration Law Center, www.nilc.org
Immigrant Legal Resource Center, www.ilrc.org
Migration Information Source, www.migrationinformation.org
Migration Policy Institute, www.migrationpolicy.org
Immigration Policy Center, www.immigrationpolicy.org